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And---- Only; Linux(Prompt) $ ./ name[Enter](need makeinfo) ----

ave-maria.midi(//The one below is mp3//)           ave-maria.pdf          • ave-maria.tar.gz (All-files;<7,550bytes)

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Music Sheet


[picture of music]
[picture of music]
[picture of music]

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%% 1:15 AM Tuesday, January 23, 2024
%% Yukio Yoshida.
%% Use LilyPond "\book format".
\version "2.24.0"
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About location \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.uM2"(longa) \hspace #2 and \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.sM1"(breve) }
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 \italic " Please, Breath of longa and breve do in the members alternating(But, like Don't stand out). " }
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\markup { \line { \hspace #16 \bold "Prayers;(Latin)"} }
\markup { \hspace #32 \italic \column { " "
"Ave Maria, gratia plena,"
"Dominus tecum,"
"    benedicta tu in mulieribus,"
"    et benedictus fructus ventris tui Jesus."
" "
\teeny \normal-text "          (Posterity, additional statements by the Franciscan)"
"Sancta Maria mater Dei,"
"    ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc,"
"    et in hora mortis nostrae."
" "
" "
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 subtitle = \markup{ \line {\bold "2010" }}
 %% subsubtitle = #(string-append "LilyPond version " (lilypond-version))
 subsubtitle = \markup{\center-column {
                   "soprano; C clef on 1st line,       alto; C clef on 3rd line."
                   "       bass; F clef on 4th line,    tenor; C clef on 4th line."}}
 composer = \markup{ \line {\italic "Yukio Yoshida"}}
 arranger = "Jan. 02, JST 2010"
 poet = "Prayers"
 opus = "Op.41 Ave Maria;No.5"
 meter = "Vivace"
 copyright = "public Domain"
}%% End header
%% get sheet music ---------------------------------------------------------------
\score {
%%           \context ChoirStaff = "FourPartStaffaddchorus" <<
  \context StaffGroup << 
           \new Voice = "soprano" { \clef soprano \key c\major \time 3/2
                        \set Staff.instrumentName = "soprano" \soprano }
                        \new Lyrics = "mainSL" \lyricsto "soprano" { \sopranoL }

           \new Voice = "alto" { \clef alto \key c\major \time 3/2
                        \set Staff.instrumentName = "alto   " \alto }
                        \new Lyrics = "mainAL" \lyricsto "alto" { \altoL }

           \new Voice = "tenor" { \clef tenor \key c\major \time 3/2
                        \set Staff.instrumentName = "tenor  " \tenor }
                        \new Lyrics = "mainTL" \lyricsto "tenor" { \tenorL }

           \new Voice = "bass" { \clef bass \key c\major \time 3/2
                        \set Staff.instrumentName = "bass   " \bass }
                        \new Lyrics = "mainBL" \lyricsto "bass" { \bassL }

           %%\context PianoStaff = "PianoStaff" <<
           %%\new Voice = "piano" { \clef treble \key c\major \time 3/2
           %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "piano  " \pianoUP }
           %%\new Voice = "piano" { \clef bass \key c\major \time 3/2
           %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "piano  " \pianoDown }
           %%                                   >>


  \layout {
            \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves }

%% get midi music ----------------------------------------------------------------
\score {
           \new Staff { \clef soprano \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 60
                         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
                                         \unfoldRepeats       \sopranoM }

           \new Staff { \clef alto \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 60
                         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
                                         \unfoldRepeats          \altoM }

           \new Staff { \clef tenor \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 60
                         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
                                         \unfoldRepeats       \tenorM }

           \new Staff { \clef bass \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 60
                        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
                                         \unfoldRepeats          \bassM }

           %%\new Staff { \clef treble \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 60
           %%             \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
           %%                                \unfoldRepeats       \pianoUPm }
           %%\new Staff { \clef bass \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 60
           %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "acoustic grand"
           %%                                \unfoldRepeats     \pianoDownm }

   \midi { tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 60 4) }
%%%%%%%%% music score End %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\pageBreak %% ================================
%% eps-part -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\share\ghostscript\....\Resource\Init\
%% Fontmap.GS // Not!! [Windows--ghostscript]
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%%%% Needn't Surce code's Title-String for texi-document.
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\line { As all;\hspace #2 See! (HTML) @menu }
"" } } }
} %% end bokkpart II,=========================================================================
}  %% and End book !!=========================================================================
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% All End %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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%% 1:15 AM Tuesday, January 23, 2024
%% Yukio Yoshida.
%% If you want to change of color, then do see! in
%% "define-grobs.scm"(lilypond's system file) 
%% This is system-files and for midi's effect
\include "" %% But here isn't use. See----> midi block
%% for sheet-music
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")
#(set-global-staff-size 18)
%%%%%%%%% soprano part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
soprano = { \hide Staff.BarLine
%% 1-5
    r4 a'1( ais'4) | e'2 f' e'4 a'4~\melisma |
    a'8 g' f' e'\melismaEnd r8 g'2..\melisma |
    a'8 g' f' e'\melismaEnd f'2 g' |
    r8 c''2\melisma b'8 a'\melismaEnd b'4 c''4.~ | \break
%% 6-9
    c''8 r8 a'2 g'8( f') e'4 f' |
    a'2\melisma g'8 f' b'4 c''8 b' a' b'\melismaEnd |
    c''2. r4 a'2 | b' c'' d'' | \break
%% 10-14
    a'4 r8 g'8 a'2 b' | c''4~ c''2 d''2.~ |
    d''1 d'8 c'4. | e'8 g'4. b'8 c''2.. | b'4. g'8( e'4) c'2. | \break
%% 15-19
    c'2. d'4 e'2 | \time 2/1 e'\breve | \time 3/2 R1. | r4 e''2. e''2 |
    d''4 e''2 f''2. | \break
%% 20-24
    e''2. a'2. | d'1. | f'2. f' | f' f' | g'8( a' b') c''2. d''4. | \break
%% 25-29
    d''4. d''4 d''2.. | c'2 r8 c'2 r8 c'4 | e'2 e'1 | f'2 f'1 | g'2 g'1 | \break
%% 30-32
    \time 2/1 c'\breve |\time 4/1 c'\longa * 1/4 s\longa * 3/4 |
    \time 3/2 \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break

sopranoL = \lyricmode {
%%    \override Score . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
    \override Score . LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
    A -- ve Ma -- ri -- a, __ gra __ ti -- a p __ le -- na,
    Do -- mi -- nus te -- cu __ m,
    be -- ne -- di -- cta tu in mu -- li -- e--ri -- bus,
    et be -- ne -- di -- c -- tus fru -- ctus ven -- tris tui Je -- sus.
    San -- cta Ma -- ri -- a ma -- ter Dei,
    o -- ra pro no -- "bi -- -- -- s" pec -- ca -- to -- ri -- bus,
    nunc, et in ho -- ra mor -- tis nos -- trae.

    A -- men

sopranoM = {
%% 1-5
    r4 a'1( ais'4) | e'2 f' e'4 a'4~ | a'8 g' f' e' r8 g'2.. |
    a'8 g' f' e' f'2 g' |
    r8 c''2 b'8[ a'] b'4 c''4.~ | \break
%% 6-9
    c''8 r8 a'2 g'8( f') e'4 f' |
    a'2 g'8 f' b'4 c''8 b' a' b' |
    c''2. r4 a'2 |  b' c'' d'' | \break
%% 10-14
    a'4 r8 g'8 a'2 b' | c''4~ c''2 d''2.~ |
    d''1 d'8 c'4. | e'8 g'4. b'8 c''2.. |  b'4. g'8( e'4) c'2. | \break
%% 15-19
    c'2. d'4 e'2 | \time 2/1 e'\breve | \time 3/2 R1. | r4 e''2. e''2 |
    d''4 e''2 f''2. | \break
%% 20-24
    e''2. a'2. | d'1. | f'2. f' | f' f' | g'8( a' b') c''2. d''4. | \break
%% 25-29
    d''4. d''4 d''2.. | c'2 r8 c'2 r8 c'4 | e'2 e'1 | f'2 f'1 | g'2 g'1 | \break
%% 30-32
    \time 2/1 c'\breve | \time 4/1 c'\longa \bar "|." \break

%%%%%%%%%% alto part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
alto = { \hide Staff.BarLine
%% 1-5
     r4 d'1( dis'4) | a2 b4.( c'8) d'4 e'4~ |
     e'8\melisma d' c'\melismaEnd r8 a1\melisma |
     b8 a8 g8\melismaEnd b4. c'2. |
     e'8\melisma f'2 e'8 d' c'\melismaEnd d'4 e'~ | \break
%% 6-9
     e'8 r4 d'2 c'8 a4 b |
     d'2\melisma c'8 b e'4 f'8 e' d' e'\melismaEnd |
     f'2. r4 d'2 | e' f' g' |
%% 10-14
     d'4 r8 c'8 d'2 e' | f'4~ f'2 g'2.~ |
     g'4 r2. g8 f4. | a8 c'4. e'1 | d'2 b4 g2. | \break
%% 15-
     g2. a4 b2 | \time 2/1 b\breve | \time 3/2 R1. | r4 b'2. b'2 |
     a'4 b'2 c''2. | \break
%% 20-24
     r8 b'2.. d'2 | g1. | b2. b | b b | c'8( d' e') f'2. g'4. | \break
%% 25-29
     a'4. a'4 a'2.. | g4 r4. g4 r4. g4 | b2 b1 | c'2 c'1 | d'2 d'1 | \break
%% 30-32
    \time 2/1 c'\breve | \time 4/1 c'\longa * 1/4 s\longa *3/4 |
    \time 3/2 \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break

altoL = \lyricmode {
 %%       \override Score . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
        \override Score . LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
        A -- ve Ma -- ri -- a, __ gra __ ti -- a p __ le -- na,
        Do -- mi -- nus te -- cu __ m,
        be -- ne -- di -- cta tu in mu -- li -- e--ri -- bus,
        et be -- ne -- di -- ctus fruc -- tus ven -- tris tui Je -- sus.
        San -- cta Ma -- ri -- a ma -- ter Dei,
        o -- ra pro no -- "bi -- -- -- s" pec -- ca -- to -- ri -- bus,
        nunc, et in ho -- ra mor -- tis nos -- trae.

        A -- men

altoM = {
%% 1-5
     r4 d'1( dis'4) | a2 b4.( c'8) d'4 e'4~ |
     e'8 d' c' r8 a1 |
     b8 a8 g8 b4. c'2. |
     e'8 f'2 e'8 d' c' d'4 e'~ | \break
%% 6-9
     e'8 r4 d'2 c'8 a4 b |
     d'2 c'8 b e'4 f'8 e' d' e' |
     f'2. r4 d'2 | e' f' g' |
%% 10-14
     d'4 r8 c'8 d'2 e' | f'4~ f'2 g'2. |
     g'4 r2. g8 f4. | a8 c'4. e'1 |  d'2 b4 g2. | \break
%% 15-19
     g2. a4 b2 | \time 2/1 b\breve | \time 3/2 R1. | r4 b'2. b'2 |
     a'4 b'2 c''2. | \break
%% 20-24
     r8 b'2.. d'2 | g1. | b2. b | b b | c'8( d' e') f'2. g'4. | \break
%% 25-29
     a'4. a'4 a'2.. | g4 r4. g4 r4. g4 | b2 b1 | c'2 c'1 | d'2 d'1 | \break
%% 30-32
     \time 2/1 c'\breve | \time 4/1 c'\longa \bar "|."\break

%%%%%%%% tenor part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
tenor = { \hide Staff.BarLine
%% 1-5
     r4 b1( bes4) | f2 f f4 f | r2 r8 a2..~ | a2 a a |
     r8 d'2. d'4 d'4.~ | \break
%% 6-9
     d'8 r8 b2 b4 b b | b1. | d'2. r4 b2 | c' d' e' | \break
%% 10-14
     b4 r8 a8 b2 c'2 | d'4~ d'2 e'2.~ |
     e'8 r2.. d'8 c'4. | c'2 c'1 | d4. d4. d2. | \break
%% 15-19
     d2. e4  f2 | \time 2/1 f\breve | \time 2/1 R1. | f'2. f'4 e'2 |
     f'2 g'1 | \break
%% 20-24
      e2. e | e1. | g2. a | b c' | d'8( e' f') g'2. a'4. | \break
%% 25-29
      f'4. d'4 b2.. | a2 r8 a2 r8 a4 | c'2 c'1 | d'2 d'1 | e'2 e'1 | \break
%% 30-32
    \time 2/1 c'\breve | \time 4/1 c'\longa * 1/4 s\longa *3/4 |
    \time 3/2 \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break

tenorL = \lyricmode {
%%     \override Score . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
     \override Score . LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
     A -- ve Ma -- ri -- a, gra -- ti -- a p -- le -- na,
     Do -- mi -- nus te -- cu -- m,
     be -- ne -- di -- cta tu in mu -- li -- e--ri -- bus,
     et be -- nedi -- ctus fru -- ctus ven -- tris tui Je -- sus.
     San -- cta Ma -- ri -- a ma -- ter Dei,
     o -- ra pro no -- "bi -- -- -- s" pec -- ca -- to -- ri -- bus,
     nunc, et in ho -- ra mor -- tis nos -- trae.

    A -- men

tenorM = {
%% 1-5
     r4 b1( bes4) | f2 f f4 f | r2 r8 a2..~ | a2 a a |
     r8 d'2. d'4 d'4.~ | \break
%% 6-9
     d'8 r8 b2 b4 b b | b1. | d'2. r4 b2 | c' d' e' | \break
%% 10-14
     b4 r8 a8 b2 c'2 | d'4( d'2) e'2. |
     e'8 r2.. d'8 c'4. | c'2 c'1 |  d4. d4. d2. | \break
%% 15-19
     d2. e4  f2 | \time 2/1 f\breve | \time 2/1 R1. | f'2. f'4 e'2 |
     f'2 g'1 | \break
%% 20-24
      e2. e | e1. | g2. a | b c' | d'8( e' f') g'2. a'4. | \break
%% 25-29
      f'4. d'4 b2.. | a2 r8 a2 r8 a4 | c'2 c'1 | d'2 d'1 | e'2 e'1 | \break
%% 30-32
      \time 2/1 c'\breve | \time 4/1 c'\longa \bar "|."\break

%%%%%%% bass; part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
bass = { \hide Staff.BarLine
%% 1-5
     r4 e1( ees4) | b,2 b, b,4 b, | r2 b,1^( | b,4.) c4. d2. |
     f1 f4 f4( | \break
%% 6-9
     f8) r4 e2 e8 e4 e4 | e1. | g2. r4 e2 | f2 g a | \break
%% 10-14
     e4 r8 d8 e2 f | g4( g2) a2. |
     r1 a,8 g,4. | g,2 g,1 | a,2 a,4 a,2. | \break
%% 15-19
     a,2. b,4 c2 | \time 2/1 c\breve | \time 3/2 R1. | c'2. c'4 b2 |
     c'2 d'1 | \break
%% 20-24
     r8 a,2.. a,2 | a,1. | a,2. b, | c d | e8( f g) a2. b4. | \break
%% 25-29
     g4. e4 c2.. | b,4 r4. b,4 r4. c4 | d2 d1 | e2 e1 | f2 f1 | \break
%% 30-32
    \time 2/1 c\breve | \time 4/1 c\longa * 1/4 s\longa *3/4 |
    \time 3/2 \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break

bassL = \lyricmode {
%%    \override Score . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
    \override Score . LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
    A -- ve Ma -- ri -- a, gra -- ti -- a p -- le -- na,
    Do -- mi -- nus te -- cu -- m,
    be -- ne -- di -- cta tu in mu -- li -- e--ri -- bus,
    et be -- nedi -- ctus fruc -- tus ven -- tris tui Je -- sus.
    San -- cta Ma -- ri -- a ma -- ter Dei,
    o -- ra pro no -- "bi -- -- -- s" pec -- ca -- to -- ri -- bus,
    nunc, et in ho -- ra mor -- tis nos -- trae.

    A -- men

bassM = {
%% 1-5
     r4 e1( ees4) | b,2 b, b,4 b, | r2 b,1 | b,4. c4. d2. |
     f1 g4 g4( | \break
%% 6-9
     f8) r4 e2 e8 e4 e4 | e1. | g2. r4 e2 | f2 g a | \break
%% 10-14
     e4 r8 d8 e2 f | g4( g2) a2. |
     r1 a,8 g,4. | g,2 g,1 | a,2 a,4 a,2. | \break
%% 15-19
     a,2. b,4 c2 | \time 2/1 c\breve | \time 3/2 R1. | c'2. c'4 b2 |
     c'2 d'1 | \break
%% 20-24
      r8 a,2.. a,2 | a,1. | a,2. b, | c d | e8( f g) a2. b4. | \break
%% 25-29
      g4. e4 c2.. | b,4 r4. b,4 r4. c4 | d2 d1 | e2 e1 | f2 f1 | \break
%% 30-32
     \time 2/1 c\breve | \time 4/1 c\longa \bar "|."\break
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%% Thank you. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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%% 12:40 AM Tuesday, January 23, 2024
%% Yukio Yoshida.
\input colordvi.tex
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@node       Top,         Music Sheet,    ("dir"),    ("dirTop")
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<p align = "center">
<span  style="font-size: 40px;"><b>Ave-Maria</b></spam>
[file-code; "ly,texi,sh are UTF-8"]<br />
<span style="font-size: 16px;">
<b>Normally; Windows & Linux</b> "[Prompt] <tt>lilypond --pdf --png</tt>[Enter]"<br />
<b>And---- Only; 
 <i>Linux(Prompt)<kbd> <span style="color: red;">$ ./ name</span></kbd>[Enter]</i>(need makeinfo) ----</b><br />
</code><br />
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@end ifhtml
@c @top
@c @ignore ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* starangers-1::          --- Music Sheet:                       Music Sheet.
*          --- Source code framework:
*     --- Source code notes:     
* ave-maria.texi::       --- Source code document:       ave-maria.texi.
* run--makeinfo::      --- Source code run-file:           run--makeinfo.
@end menu
@end ifhtml
@c @end ignore --------------------------------------------------------------------
<p align = "center">
<a href="ave-maria.midi">ave-maria.midi</a>(//The one below is mp3//)&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="ave-maria.pdf">ave-maria.pdf</a>
&#149;&#160;<a href="ave-maria.tar.gz">ave-maria.tar.gz</a>&#160;(All-files;&lt;7,550bytes)<br />
<audio src="ave-maria.mp3" controls>
Download <a href="ave-maria.mp3">episode 42 Learnung to love HTML5</a>
</audio><br />
The Jacket of a sheet is "png" and Sheets are "svg"</p>
@end html

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@end ifnottex
@unnumbered Music Sheet
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<img src="ave-maria-2.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
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<img src="ave-maria-4.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
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@end html
@end html

@node,      ave-maria.texi,,    Top
@comment      node-name,                 next,                    previous,         up
@end ifnottex
@end ifhtml
@end html
@end html

@node     ave-maria.texi,     run--makeinfo,, Top
@comment      node-name,            next,               previous,       up
@end ifnottex
@unnumbered  ave-maria.texi
@end ifhtml
@end html
@verbatiminclude ave-maria.texi
@end html

@node         run--makeinfo,                  ,       ave-maria.texi,      Top
@comment    node-name,            next,               previous,             up
@end ifnottex
@unnumbered run--makeinfo
@end ifhtml
<b><i>Only; running is on Linux(on WSL).</i></b><br />
@end html
<span style="font: 16px;">
&#160;&#160;&#160;<b><i></i></b><br />
<span style="color: red;">
@end html
@end ifhtml
@ @ @ @ This is under the following environment.@*
@ @ @ @ Linux[on WSL(windows11)]@  ---(GNU/Linux 4.4.0-19041-Microsoft x86_64) or 
(GNU/Linux x86_64)---@*
<br />
<br />
@end html
@c *********** End Body *********************

%% Yukio Yoshida.
%% 5:10 AM Tuesday, October 19, 2021
\input colordvi.tex
\input texinfo   @c -*-texinfo-*-
@c %**start of header
@settitle ave-maria
@documentlanguage en
@documentencoding utf-8
@setchapternewpage odd
@c %**end of header

@c *********** Body start ******************

@node       Top,         Music Sheet,    ("dir"),    ("dirTop")
@comment  node-name,        next,        previous,       up
@c @top
@end ifnottex

[file-code; "UTF-8"]
* ave-maria --- Music Sheet:              Music Sheet.
* --- Source code framework:
* --- Source code notes:
* ave-maria.texi --- Source code document: ave-maria.texi.
* run--makeinfo --- Source code run-file:  run--makeinfo
@end menu
&#149;&#160;<a href="ave-maria.tar.gz">ave-maria.tar.gz</a>&#160;(All-files;&lt;7,650bytes)<br />
@end html

<br />
<div align="center">
<a href="ave-maria.midi">ave-maria.midi</a>
<a href="ave-maria.pdf">ave-maria.pdf</a>;
<p align = "center">
<a href="ave-maria.mp3">Sound is mp3.</a><br />
<audio src="ave-maria.mp3" controls>
Download <a href="ave-maria.mp3">episode 42 Learnung to love HTML5</a>
</audio><br />
The Jacket of a sheet is "png" and Sheets are "svg"</p>
@end html

@node        Music Sheet,,       Top,      Top
@comment      node-name,     next,          previous,    up
@end ifnottex

@unnumbered Music Sheet

@end html

<div align="center">
<a href="ave-maria.pdf">
@end html
<img src="ave-maria-page1.png" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
<hr style="width:68%; height:4px;" />
<img src="ave-maria-2.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
<hr style="width:68%; height:4px;" />
<img src="ave-maria-3.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
<hr style="width:68%; height:4px;" />
<img src="ave-maria-4.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
<hr style="width:68%; height:4px;" />
@end html
@end ifhtml
@end html

@node,,  Music Sheet,  Top
@comment    node-name,     next,         previous,    up
@end ifnottex
@unnumbered My manuscript score file.
@end html
@end html

@node,  ave-maria.texi,, Top
@comment    ode-name,        next,      previous,   up
@end ifnottex
@unnumbered My manuscript score sub file.
@end html
@end html

@node     ave-maria.texi,   run--makeinfo,, Top
@comment  node-name,          next,              previous,    up
@end ifnottex
@unnumbered Texinfo file.
@end html
@verbatiminclude ave-maria.texi
@end html

@node     run--makeinfo,           ,  ave-maria.texi,   Top
@comment    node-name,      next,       previous,       up
@end ifnottex
@unnumbered run--makeinfo; ON WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux)
@end ifhtml
<hr size="10pt" />
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is under the following environment.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;Linux[on WSL(windows11)]&nbsp; &mdash;(GNU/Linux 4.4.0-19041-Microsoft x86_64) or 
(GNU/Linux x86_64)&mdash;&quot;</p>
This ``'' requires external gs (linux) or windows(gswin64.exe or gswin32.exe) processing.<br />
----- The music cover creation code is written inside lilypond( -----<br />
<br />
&#182; Windows OS<br /> 
<span style="font-size: 18px;">
&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<kbd>>run--texi ave-maria</kbd>[Enter]</span><br />
<span style="font-size: 12px;">
This requires LilyPond 2.24.0 + TeXLive + Ghostscript.</span><br />
<pre style=font-size:16px>
----------- File name is run--texi.cmd -------------------------------------------
chcp 437
rd /s /q  html
lilypond --pdf --png
lilypond --svg
rename *.mid *.midi
makeinfo --no-split --force --html %1.texi
mkdir html
move *.svg html/
move *-page1.png html/
move *.pdf html/
move *.midi html/ 
move *.html html/
cd html
%1.pdf | %1.midi | %1.html
cd ../
erase *.eps *.png *.mid
dir /oe
<br />
<br />
<br />
&#182; linux OS(wsl); (Recommend)<br />
<span style="font-size: 18px;">
&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<kbd>$ ./ ave-maria</kbd>[Enter]</span><br />
<span style="font-size: 12px;">
This requires LilyPond 2.24.0 + TeXLive + Ghostscript.</span><br />
<pre style=font-size:16px>
----------- File name is -------------------------------------------
rm -r html
lilypond --pdf --png $
lilypond --svg $
makeinfo --no-split --force --html $1.texi
mkdir html
mv *.svg html/
mv *-page1.png html/
mv *.pdf html/
mv *.midi html/
mv *.html html/
cd html
xdg-open $1.pdf | xdg-open $1.midi | explorer.exe $1.html
cd ../
rm *.eps *.png
ls -l
<br />
<br />
<br />
&#182; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;m(_ _)m<br />
<i>The makeinfo.exe for windows here is a ``personal running file''.<br />
Old;----It was included in W32TeX(2017) distribution(in Japan).<br />
Current:----It is not included in ctan/w32tex or w32tex distribution in Japan. ---</i><br />
@end html
@end ifhtml
<hr size="10pt" />
<br />
<br />
@end html
@end ifhtml
@sp 1
@c *********** End Body *********************

Previous: , Up: Top  


Only; running is on Linux(on WSL).
rm -r html
lilypond --pdf --png $
lilypond --svg $
makeinfo --no-split --force --html $1.texi
mkdir html
mv *.svg html/
mv *.pdf html/
mv $1-page1.png html/
mv *.midi html/
mv *.html html/
cd html
xdg-open $1.pdf | xdg-open $1.midi | explorer.exe $1.html
cd ../
rm *.eps *.png
ls -lX

    This is under the following environment.
    Linux[on WSL(windows11)]  —(GNU/Linux 4.4.0-19041-Microsoft x86_64) or (GNU/Linux x86_64)—