1 %%12:40 AM Wednesday, January 26, 2022
  2 %% Yukio Yoshida
  3 \version "2.22.2"
  4 #(set-default-paper-size "letter")
  5 #(set-global-staff-size 18) %%run! normal
  6 \include "score-soprano-all.ly"
  7 \include "score-alto-all.ly"
  8 \include "score-tenor-all.ly"
  9 \include "score-bass-all.ly"
 10 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 11 %%% bar-omit, and How to typeset only \bar "|."?
 12 %%%% USE \hide Staff.BarLine %%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
 13 %% notation.pdf(p-457) refer//Mensurstriche layout
 14 %% global = { \hide Staff.BarLine
 15 %%     s1 s s s 
 16 %%    %% the final bar line is not interrupted
 17 %%    \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|."
 18 %% }
 19 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 20 %%%%% Not use \override Score.BarLine.stencil = ##f %%
 21 %%% notation.pdf(p-624) refer//Removing the stencil
 22 %%% BarHide = {\override Score.BarLine.stencil = ##f}
 23 %%% EndBar = {\revert Score.BarLine.stencil}
 24 %%% But Effect is Only just" \context StaffGroup"
 25 %%% Don't use "\context ChoirStaff"
 26 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 27 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 28 \paper {
 29         %%ragged-last-bottom = ##f
 30 }
 32 \header {
 33  dedication = "In Southern"
 34  title = "Avenue of the south wind"
 35  %%subtitle = #(string-append "LilyPond version " (lilypond-version))
 36  subtitle = \markup { des major(\italic "c des ees f ges aes bes") }
 37  subsubtitle = \markup{\center-column {
 38                    "soprano; C clef on 1st line,       alto; C clef on 3rd line."
 39                    "       bass; F clef on 4th line,    tenor; C clef on 4th line."}}
 40  arranger = "Feb. 17, JST 2010"
 41  composer = \markup{ \line {\italic "Yukio Yoshida"}}
 42  poet = \markup { \fontsize #-1.5
 43 \fill-line {
 44  \column {%% just in case; For Japanese language
 45  \line { \italic
 46    \column {
 47 " "
 48 " "
 49 { \bold "Poem; Wind"}
 50 "Avenue of the south wind"
 51 "Clean cool and an uncomfortably warm breeze"
 52 "Let a suggestion of the sap of poplar"
 53 "Coming into the room shaking the curtains."
 54 "Beneath the body of sleep in the afternoon"
 55 "The dream of stealing a nap"
 56 "Go out into the street and shaking the curtains."
 57 " "
 58 "Avenue of the south wind"
 59 "Clean cool and an uncomfortably warm breeze"
 60 "The street without anyone and"
 61 "Enter the room shaking the curtains"
 62 "Leave the street and shaking the curtains."
 63 \bold "                                   By(& Compose); Yukio Yoshida"
 64 " "
 65             }
 66 %%%%%% If you want to view japanes then please do cut ----> only parts "%%+"
 67 %%%%%% But, you must have to specify for your's computer with Japanes font style.
 68 %%+ \hspace #8
 69 %%+   \column {
 70 %%+           \override #'(font-name . "Sazanami Gothic")%%%%%Japanes language(font)
 71 %%+      \column {
 72 %%+ " "
 73 %%+ " "
 74 %%+ " "
 75 %%+ "南部の街の風は"
 76 %%+ "清く涼しく, 生暖かい吹き"
 77 %%+ "ポプラの樹液を漂わせ"
 78 %%+ "カーテンを揺らして 部屋に入ってくる"
 79 %%+ "午後の眠りの身体を撫でて"
 80 %%+ "うたた寝の夢を盗んで"
 81 %%+ "カーテンを揺らし 通りへと出て行く"
 82 %%+ " "
 83 %%+ "南部の街の風は"
 84 %%+ "清く涼しく, 生暖かい吹き"
 85 %%+ "誰もいない通りを,"
 86 %%+ "カーテンを揺らして 部屋に入り"
 87 %%+ "カーテンを揺らして 通りへと去る"
 88 %%+ " "
 89 %%+ " "
 90 %%+              } }
 91 }}}}
 93  opus = "Op.43"
 94  meter = "Vivace"
 95  copyright = "public Domain"
 96 }
 99 %%%%%%%%%% sheet and midi music code part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
100 %% get sheet music ---------------------------------------------------------------
101 \score {
102          <<
103 %%           \context ChoirStaff = "FourPartStaffaddchorus" <<
104   \context StaffGroup <<
105   \new ChoirStaff <<
106   \new Voice = "soprano" { \clef soprano \key des\major \time 3/2
107          \set Staff.instrumentName = "soprano" \soprano }
108   \new Lyrics = "mainSL" \lyricsto "soprano" { \sopranoL }
109   \new Voice = "repeatsS" { \clef soprano \key des\major \time 3/2
110                                              \sopranoTwo }
111   \new Lyrics = "repeatLs" \lyricsto "sopranoTwo" { \sopranoTwoL }
112                    >>
114   \new ChoirStaff <<
115   \new Voice = "alto" { \clef alto \key des\major \time 3/2
116          \set Staff.instrumentName = "alto   " \alto }
117   \new Lyrics = "mainAL" \lyricsto "alto" { \altoL }
118   \new Voice = "repeataA" { \clef alto \key des\major \time 3/2
119                                                 \altoTwo }
120   \new Lyrics = "repeataLa" \lyricsto "altoTwo" { \altoTwoL }
121                             >>
123   \new ChoirStaff <<
124   \new Voice = "tenor" { \clef tenor \key des\major \time 3/2
125          \set Staff.instrumentName = "tenor  " \tenor }
126   \new Lyrics = "mainTL" \lyricsto "tenor" { \tenorL }
127   \new Voice = "repeataT" { \clef tenor \key des\major \time 3/2
128                                             \tenorTwo }
129   \new Lyrics = "repeataLt" \lyricsto "tenorTwo" { \tenorTwoL }
130                             >>
132   \new ChoirStaff <<
133   \new Voice = "bass" { \clef bass \key des\major \time 3/2
134          \set Staff.instrumentName = "bass   " \bass }
135   \new Lyrics = "mainBL" \lyricsto "bass" { \bassL }
136   \new Voice = "repeataB" { \clef bass \key des\major \time 3/2
137                                              \bassTwo }
138   \new Lyrics = "repeataLb" \lyricsto "bassTwo" { \bassTwoL }
139                             >>
140              >>
142            %%\context PianoStaff = "PianoStaff" <<
143            %%\new Voice = "piano" { \clef treble \key des\major \time 3/2
144            %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "piano  " \pianoUP }
145            %%\new Voice = "piano" { \clef bass \key des\major \time 3/2
146            %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "piano  " \pianoDown }
147            %%                                   >>
149          >>
151   \layout {
152   \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext
153                \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
154              %%%%%% end \bar "|." No engrever !!??
155              \Staff
156              \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t
157             }
158            }
159 }
161 %% get midi music ----------------------------------------------------------------
162 \score {
163          <<
164            \new Staff { \clef soprano \key des\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 60
165                          \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
166                                          \unfoldRepeats       \sopranoM }
168            \new Staff { \clef alto \key des\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 60
169                          \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
170                                          \unfoldRepeats          \altoM }
172            \new Staff { \clef tenor \key des\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 60
173                          \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
174                                          \unfoldRepeats       \tenorM }
176            \new Staff { \clef bass \key des\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 60
177                         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
178                                          \unfoldRepeats          \bassM }
180            %%\new Staff { \clef treble \key des\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 60
181            %%             \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
182            %%                                \unfoldRepeats       \pianoUPm }
183            %%\new Staff { \clef bass \key des\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 60
184            %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "acoustic grand"
185            %%                                \unfoldRepeats     \pianoDownm }
186          >>
188    \midi { tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 60 4) }
189 }