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Road 1b

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And---- Only; Linux(Prompt) $ ./ name[Enter](need makeinfo) ----

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Music Sheet

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[picture of music]
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%% 11:29 PM Thursday, March 23, 2023
%% Yukio Yoshida
%% LilyPond "\book format" use.
\version "2.24.0"
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")
#(set-global-staff-size 18)
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(Soprano;  Instrument  and Voice                          --- C \\clef on 1st line) false charpath 0 setlinewidth stroke
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0 0 0 setrgbcolor
(MezzoSoprano;  Instrument  and Voice               --- C \\clef on 2nd line) false charpath 0 setlinewidth stroke
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0 0 0 setrgbcolor
(Alto;  Instrument  and Voice                                --- C \\clef on 3rd line) false charpath 0 setlinewidth stroke
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0 0 0 setrgbcolor
(Tenor;  Instrument  and Voice                             --- C \\clef on 4th line) false charpath 0 setlinewidth stroke
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0 0 0 setrgbcolor
(Baritone;  Instrument  and Voice                         --- C \\clef on 5th line) false charpath 0 setlinewidth stroke
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0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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(         Road 1b ) false charpath 2 setlinewidth stroke
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"The dynamic of performance is freedom(the conductor's) discretion." } }}
}%% end bookpart I %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% \pageBreak
%%%%%% Poem area
\markup { \vspace #6 }
\markup { \hspace #24 \column {
" "
\line { \hspace #-2 \magnify #1.5 \with-color #red "Bystander" }
"  "
\magnify #1.5 {
" 1)"
"A Man appear from the future,"
"Come down on my way this side."
"Stepping up the fallen leaves,"
"In dappled light and trees."
"Approaching side of my being silent."
"Slowly, go pass side of my,"
"Going out towards the past."
"   "
"   "
"A Man appear from the past worlds,"
"Is approaching to my rear this side."
"Sounded Stepping up the fallen leaves."
"Slowly, go pass side of my,"
"Slowly, Seeing man's back,"
"In dappled light and trees,"
"Going in towards the future worlds."
"   "
\line { \hspace #80 \italic " end. " }
"  "
"   "
"   "
\line { \hspace #-3 \tiny \italic "Add; as vocal" }
\line{ \smallCaps "Chorus Words" \italic "Laten; Soprano, Alto" }   
\line{ " Confutátis maledictis," }
\line{ "Flámmis ácribus addictis," }
\line{ "Vóca me cum benedictis." }
\line{ "\%\%   Oro súpplex et acclinis" }
\line{ "Cor contritum quási cinis:" }
\line{ "Gére cúram méi finis." }
 "   "
 "  "
%% End poem %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\bookpart{ %% II
\header {
  dedication = \markup { \center-column { "     " "      " "   " } }
 title = "Bystander -1b"
 subtitle = \markup{ \center-column {\italic "c major; c d e f g a b" } }
  %% subsubtitle = #(string-append "LilyPond version " (lilypond-version))
 subsubtitle = \markup{\center-column {
                    "Baritone; C clef on 5th line"
                   "soprano; C clef on 1st line,       alto; C clef on 3rd line."
 composer = \markup{ \bold "    Op.55;    Road 1b" }
 arranger = \markup { \italic "Yukio Yoshida" }
 poet = \markup { \tiny "Text(Soprno and Alto) from Requiem-ceremony;" }
 meter = \markup{ \column { "soprano,alto; Animato" "bariton; Con anima"  "   " } }
 opus = \markup { %% column * 3
\fill-line { \tiny \italic
 \column {
 \line {
   \column {
\bold "1)"
"A Man appear from the future,"
"Come down on my way (this side)."
"Stepping up the fallen leaves,"
"In dappled light and trees."
"Approaching side of my being silent."
"Slowly, go pass side of my,"
"Going out towards the past."
\hspace #10
      \column {
\bold "1b)"
"A Man appear from the past worlds,"
"Is approaching to my rear (this side)."
"Sounded Stepping up the fallen leaves."
"Slowly, go pass side of my,"
"Slowly, Seeing man's back,"
"In dappled light and trees,"
"Going in towards the future worlds."
\hspace #10
   \column {
\line { \bold "Laten;" Soprano, Alto }   
" Confutátis maledictis,"
"Flámmis ácribus addictis,"
"Vóca me cum benedictis."
"%%   Oro súpplex et acclinis"
"Cor contritum quási cinis:"
"Gére cúram méi finis."
 "   "
 "  "
copyright = "public Domain"
%% tagline = "  "
} %% End header
%%%%%%%%%% sheet and midi music code part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% get sheet music ---------------------------------------------------------------
\score {
 %%  \context ChoirStaff <<
     \context StaffGroup << 
     \new Voice = "soprano" { \clef soprano \key c\major \time 3/2
             \set Staff.fontSize = #-4
             \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
             \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4)
                  \set Staff.instrumentName = "soprano" \soprano }
                  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" \lyricsto "soprano" { \sopranoL }
     \new Voice = "alto" { \clef alto \key c\major \time 3/2
             \set Staff.fontSize = #-4
             \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
             \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4)
                  \set Staff.instrumentName = "alto  " \alto }
                  \new Lyrics = "mainAL" \lyricsto "alto" { \altoL }
     \new Voice = "bariton" { \clef baritone \key c\major \time 3/2
                  \set Staff.instrumentName = "baritone" \bariton }
                  \new Lyrics = "mainBL" \lyricsto "bariton" { \baritonL }
     %%\context PianoStaff = "PianoStaff" <<
     %%\new Voice = "piano" { \clef treble \key c\major \time 3/2
     %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "piano  " \pianoUP }
     %%\new Voice = "piano" { \clef bass \key c\major \time 3/2
     %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "piano  " \pianoDown }
     %%                                   >>
  \layout {
            \context { %%\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
                       %%\override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t

%% get midi music ----------------------------------------------------------------
\score {
       \new Staff { \clef soprano \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 46
                     \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
                                     \unfoldRepeats       \sopranoM }
       \new Staff { \clef alto \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 46
                     \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
                                     \unfoldRepeats          \altoM }
       \new Staff { \clef tenor \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 46
                     \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
                                     \unfoldRepeats       \baritonM }
       %%\new Staff { \clef treble \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 46
       %%             \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
       %%                                \unfoldRepeats       \pianoUPm }
       %%\new Staff { \clef bass \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 46
       %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "acoustic grand"
       %%                                \unfoldRepeats     \pianoDownm }
   \midi { tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 46 4) }

\markup { " " }
\markup { \column { \line {
About location \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.uM2"(longa) \hspace #2 and \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.sM1"(breve) }
\line { \italic " Please, playing of \"longa and breve\" do in the members alternating(But, like Don't stand out). " } } }
\markup { " " }
\markup { " " }
\markup { \vspace #1 }
\markup { \vspace #6 }
\markup { \fill-with-pattern #2 #CENTER - \null \null }
\markup { " " }
\markup { \hspace #20 \magnify #2 {
 Stage Position;\tiny \italic "(This arrangement--with the instrument needles column below--)" } }
\markup { " " }
\markup { \hspace #26 \column { \line { About the Chorus; \teeny \italic "(For instsnce")}
\line { \hspace # 18 \rounded-box {Bass}\hspace #2 \rounded-box {Tenor}\hspace #2 \rounded-box {Alto}\hspace #2
\rounded-box{Soprano} } \teeny \italic " since, They must be reverse for Instrument's arrangement " } }
\markup { \vspace #2 }
\markup { \italic " About Position of Sololist is placed freely(on the stage) " }
\markup { \vspace #2 }
\markup { About Instrument arrangement;\teeny \italic "(must be reverse for Chours's position)" }
\markup { \hspace # 20 \rounded-box { \column { \huge " Instruments " "   Soprano " "   Group "} }\hspace #3
\rounded-box { \column { \huge " Instruments " "   Alto " "   Group "} }\hspace #3
\rounded-box { \column { \huge " Instruments " "   Tenor " "   Group "} }\hspace #3
\rounded-box { \column { \huge " Instruments " "   Bass " "   Group "} } }
\markup { \vspace #2 }
\markup { \hspace #56 \huge " Conductor " }
\markup { " " }
\markup { \vspace #1 }
\markup { \fill-with-pattern #2 #CENTER - \null \null }
\markup { \vspace #2 }
\markup { ........... Audience seats ........... }
\markup { \vspace #4 }
\markup { \teeny { \column { \bold \italic
"If you can do it, please running on;"
\line { \wordwrap {
As it is the lighting of the audience's Seats(Do not turn off even when the play began). \hspace #2 \italic "When play began, lighting the stage (rather than the audience's) more brightly."}}}}}
\markup { "   " }
\markup { "  " }
%% eps-part -------------------------------------------------------------------
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(SOURCE) false charpath 3 setlinewidth stroke

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(CODE) false charpath 1 setlinewidth stroke"

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%% end -----eps part-------------------------------------------------------------------
%%%% Needn't Surce code's Title-String for texi-document.
\markup { \vspace #10 }
\markup { \hspace #12 \epsfile #X #100 #"Source-code.eps" }
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\markup { \vspace #1 }
\markup { \fill-line { \center-column {
\line { As all;\hspace #2 See! (HTML) @menu }
"" } } }
}}%% end bokkpart III, End book
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% All End %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% exclude. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%% \markup { \column { "Name;"                   %%%%
%%%%%            \verbatim-file #"" } }             %%%%
%%%%%  \markup { \column { "Name;"               %%%%
%%%%%            \verbatim-file #"" } }           %%%%
%%%%%  \markup { \column { "Name;"               %%%%
%%%%%            \verbatim-file #"" } }           %%%%
%%%%%  \markup { \column { "Name;"      %%%%
%%%%%            \verbatim-file #"" } }  %%%%

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top

\version "2.24.0"
%%%%%%%% baritone part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
bariton = { \hide Staff.BarLine
           %%\revert Score.BarLine.color  %%Don't need
%% 1-4
   r2. f8 c'( d'2) | e'4( b4 f d2) r4 | b,2. b,4 c2 | e1. | \break
%% 5-8
   r2 f2 f4 f4 | f2 f8 b8 c'2. |d'1 b2 | r4. g8_( e c b,4.) c4. | \break
%% 9-12
   d2 c8 b,4 c8_( d e f) r8 | g2 a1 | r2 b2 f2~ | f8 r8 c1( d4~ | \break
%% 13-16
   d4) r8 a1 r8 | g4. f8 e4 r4 d2~ | d4 c1( d4~ | d4.) r8 a1 | \break
%% 17-21
   c'4( d'2.) r2| c2.( g) | r8 d'4. e'2 e' | c'2( d'2..) r8 | e'1. | \break
%% 22-
   d'2. c' | b4 c'4. d'2. r8 | b4 c'2 d'2. | e'1. | r2. f8 c'( d'2) | \break
%% 27
   \time 4/1
    e'8( b f) d4 c8 d2 r2 b4 r8 d'4 c'8 b4. c'8 d'1 \time 3/2
\undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break

baritonL = \lyricmode {
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
A Man appear from the past worlds,
Is ap -- proach -- ing to my rear %%(this side).
So -- unded Step -- ping up the fall -- en lea -- ves.
Slow -- ly, go pass side of my,
Slowly, Seeing man's back,
In dap -- pled light and trees,
Go -- ing in to -- wards the fu -- ture worlds.
A Man appear from the past,
And Going in towards the future.

baritonM = {
%% 1-4
   r2. f8 c'( d'2) | e'4( b4 f d2) r4 | b,2. b,4 c2 | e1. | \break
%% 5-8
   r2 f2 f4 f4 | f2 f8 b8 c'2. |d'1 b2 | r4. g8_( e c b,4.) c4. | \break
%% 9-12
   d2 c8 b,4 c8_( d e f) r8 | g2 a1 | r2 b2 f2~ | f8 r8 c1( d4~ | \break
%% 13-16
   d4) r8 a1 r8 | g4. f8 e4 r4 d2~ | d4 c1( d4~ | d4.) r8 a1 | \break
%% 17-
   c'4( d'2.) r2 | c2. g | r8 d'4. e'2 e' | c'2( d'2..) r8 | e'1. | \break
%% 22-26
   d'2. c' | b4 c'4. d'2. r8 | b4 c'2 d'2. | e'1. | r2. f8 c'( d'2) | \break
%% 27
   \time 4/1
    e'8( b f) d4 c8 d2 r2 b4 r8 d'4 c'8 b4. c'8 d'1 \time 3/2 \bar "|." \break

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top

\version "2.24.0"
VoiceColorBlue = {
                   \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #blue
                   \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner.color = #blue
                   \override Staff.Clef.color = #blue
                   \override Staff.TimeSignature.color = #blue
                   \override Staff.BarLine.color = #blue %%Don't use Score.BarLine!
                   \override Voice.NoteHead.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Rest.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Stem.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Beam.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Slur.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Tie.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Dots.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Script.color = #blue
                   %%\override Voice.TupletNumber.color = #blue
                   %%\override Voice.TupletBracket.color = #blue
%%%%%%%%% soprano part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
soprano = { \VoiceColorBlue
%% 1-4
   c''2^\markup { \hspace #-4 \with-color #blue \dynamic { pp } } d''4 e''2. |
   f''1 r4 e''4( |
   f''2) b'4 f'( e' d') | r4 c'1~ c'4-- | \break
%% 5-8
   c'4. c''4. r4 a'2 | f'4 d'2. r4 a'4~ | a'4 b'2 e'2.~ | e'2-- r1 | \break
%% 9-12
   r2. c''4( d''8) e'' f''4 | g''2. r2. | e'2 e' e' | f''1. | \break
%% 13-16
   f''1.\melisma | d'' | b' | g'1. | \break
%% 17-21
   g'4\melismaEnd r2. c'2 | c'2 c'' d'' | e''2. e'' | a'2. g'4_( f' e' | c'1.) |
%% 22-26
   r2. c''2. | d'' d'' | e''1 r4 e''4~ | e''4. f''2. g''4. | a''1. | \break
%% 27
   \time 4/1 a''\longa \bar "|." \time 3/2 \break

sopranoL = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
Con -- fu -- tá -- tis ma -- le -- di -- ctis,
Flám -- mis á -- cri -- bus ad -- di -- ctis,
Vó -- ca me cum be -- ne -- di -- ctis.
%% O -- ro súp -- plex et ac -- cli -- nis
á __
Cor con -- tri -- tum quá -- si ci -- nis:
Gé -- re cú -- ram mé -- i fi -- nis.

sopranoM = {
%% 1-4
   c''2^\ppp d''4 e''2. | f''1 r4 e''4( |
   f''2) b'4 f'( e' d') | r4 c'1~ c'4-- | \break
%% 5-8
   c'4. c''4. r4 a'2 | f'4 d'2. r4 a'4~ | a'4 b'2 e'2.~ | e'2-- r1 | \break
%% 9-12
   r2. c''4( d''8) e'' f''4 | g''2. r2. | e'2 e' e' | f''1. | \break
%% 13-16
   f''1.\melisma | d'' | b' | g'1. | \break
%% 17-21
   g'4\melismaEnd r2 c'2. | c'2 c'' d'' | e''2. e'' | a'2. g'4_( f' e' | c'1.) |
%% 22-26
   r2. c''2. | d'' d'' | e''1 r4 e''4~ | e''4. f''2. g''4. | a''1. | \break
%% 27
   \time 4/1 a''\longa \bar "|." \time 3/2 \break
%%%%%%%%%% alto part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
alto = { \VoiceColorBlue
%% 1-4
   c'2-.^\markup { \hspace #-4 \with-color #blue \dynamic { pp } } c'4-. c'2.-. |
   c'1-. c'2-.( | c'2-.) r4 a4-. a2-.( | a4-.) r4 g1-. | \break
%% 5-8
   r8 f2..-. g2-. | a8-. a4-. f2..-. r4 | g2-. g-. f-.~ | f2-.-- r1 | \break
%% 9-12
   r2. a2 a4~ | a4 a2 b'2. | r2. c'4( d'8) e' f'4 | g'1. | \break
%% 13-16
   g'1.\melisma | e' | c' | a | \break
%% 17-21
   a4\melismaEnd r2. f2 | f2 f' g' | a'2. a' | d'2. a2.( | f1.) | \break
%% 22-26
   r2 c'2. d'4~ | d'4. d'2. e'4.~ | e'2.. r4 e'4.~ | e'4. f'2. g'4. | a'1. | \break
%% 27
   \time 4/1 a'\longa \bar "|." \time 3/2 \break

altoL = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
Con -- fu -- tá -- tis ma -- le -- di -- ctis,
Flám -- mis á -- cri -- bus ad -- di -- ctis,
Vó -- ca me cum be -- ne -- di -- ctis.
%% O -- ro súp -- plex et ac -- cli -- nis
m __
Cor con -- tri -- tum quá -- si ci -- nis:
Gé -- re cú -- ram mé -- i fi -- nis.

altoM = {
%% 1-4
   c'2-.^\ppp c'4-. c'2.-. | c'1-. c'2-.( | c'2-.) r4 a4-. a2-.( |
   a4-.) r4 g1-. | \break
%% 5-8
   r8 f2..-. g2-. | a8-. a4-. f2..-. r4 | g2-. g-. f-.~ | f2-.-- r1 | \break
%% 9-12
   r2. a2 a4~ | a4 a2 b'2. | r2. c'4( d'8) e' f'4 | g'1. | \break
%% 13-16
   g'1.\melisma | e' | c' | a | \break
%% 17-21
   a4\melismaEnd r2. f2 | f2 f' g' | a'2. a' | d'2. a2.( | f1.) | \break
%% 22-26
   r2 c'2. d'4~ | d'4. d'2. e'4.~ | e'2.. r4 e'4.~ | e'4. f'2. g'4. | a'1. | \break
%% 27
   \time 4/1 a'\longa \bar "|." \time 3/2 \break

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%% 11:26 PM Wednesday, January 24, 2024
%% Yukio Yoshida.
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<span  style="font-size: 40px;"><b>Road 1b</b></spam>
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<b>Normally; Windows & Linux</b> "[Prompt] <tt>lilypond --pdf --png</tt>[Enter]"<br />
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@c @top
@c @ignore ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* road-1b::                --- Music Sheet:                       Music Sheet.
*            --- Source code framework:
*        --- Source code notes:    
*      --- Source code notes:    
* road-1b.texi::         --- Source code document:       road-1b.texi.
* run--makeinfo::   --- Source code run-file:           run--makeinfo.
@end menu
@end ifhtml
@c @ignore ------------------------------------------------------------------------
<p align = "center">
<a href="road-1b.midi">road-1b.midi</a>(//The one below is mp3//)&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="road-1b.pdf">road-1b.pdf</a>
&#149;&#160;<a href="road-1b.tar.gz">road-1b.tar.gz</a>&#160;(All-files;&lt;7,550bytes)<br />
<audio src="road-1b.mp3" controls>
Download <a href="road-1b.mp3">episode 42 Learnung to love HTML5</a>
</audio><br />
The Jacket of a sheet is "png" and Sheets are "svg"</p>
@end html

@node        Music Sheet,,       Top,      Top
@comment      node-name,     next,          previous,    up
@c @top
@end ifnottex
@unnumbered Music Sheet
<div align="center">
<a href="road-1b.pdf">
@end html
<img src="road-1b-page1.png" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
<hr style="width:68%; height:4px;" />
<img src="road-1b-2.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
<hr style="width:68%; height:4px;" />
<img src="road-1b-3.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
<hr style="width:68%; height:4px;" />
<img src="road-1b-4.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
<hr style="width:68%; height:4px;" />
<img src="road-1b-5.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
<hr style="width:68%; height:4px;" />
@end html
@end ifhtml
@end html

@node   ,,      Music Sheet,     Top
@comment    node-name,      next,               previous,          up
@end ifnottex
@end html
@end html

@node,,,     Top
@comment    ode-name,            next,             previous,       up
@end ifnottex
@end html
@end html

@node    ,     road-1b.texi,,    Top
@comment         ode-name,            next,            previous,        up
@end ifnottex
@end html
@end html

@node           road-1b.texi,         run--makeinfo,,     Top
@comment     node-name,              next,                  previous,          up
@end ifnottex
@unnumbered road-1b.texi
@end html
@verbatiminclude road-1b.texi
@end html

@node          run--makeinfo,                ,       road-1b.texi,      Top
@comment      node-name,         next,            previous,        up
@end ifnottex
@unnumbered run--makeinfo
<b><i>Only; running is on Linux(on WSL).</i></b><br />
@end html
<span style="font: 16px;">
&#160;&#160;&#160;<b><i></i></b><br />
<span style="color: red;">
@end html
@end ifhtml
@ @ @ @ This is under the following environment.@*
@ @ @ @ Linux[on WSL(windows11)]@  ---(GNU/Linux 4.4.0-19041-Microsoft x86_64) or 
(GNU/Linux x86_64)---@*
<br />
<br />
@end html
@c *********** End Body *********************

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Only; running is on Linux(on WSL).
rm -r html
lilypond --pdf --png $
lilypond --svg $
makeinfo --no-split --force --html $1.texi
mkdir html
mv *.svg html/
mv *.pdf html/
mv $1-page1.png html/
mv *.midi html/
mv *.html html/
cd html
xdg-open $1.pdf | xdg-open $1.midi | explorer.exe $1.html
cd ../
rm *.eps *.png
ls -lX

    This is under the following environment.
    Linux[on WSL(windows11)]  —(GNU/Linux 4.4.0-19041-Microsoft x86_64) or (GNU/Linux x86_64)—